Clash the Truth - An April Mixtape

by Jessica Brookman in

Think about Boston. Think about identity. Hear a song on NPR for the first time that reminds you of both New York and Los Angeles. Write. Get hooked up with tickets to show the following night in Austin. Think "life is weird. Life everywhere is more or less the same." Get a little sad about that. Then a little happy. 

All because of a stupid purple pickup truck in Austin, TX...
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Linklettes * 8

by Jessica Brookman in

If You Only Read One Thing: 


I found this via Kat @ Rock n' Roll Bride. Never thought I'd be reading an auto-parts blog for advice but I'm happy I did: 

"If you stop doing anything, especially because you are afraid whatever you do might be wrong somehow, you might as well just pack it in. You can’t be a creative pro without being a risk-taker. So let go of the fear and just do."

Plus, dealing with internet haters, bird ballet, and what husbands really want...

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